I had the opportunity to support a forest occupation in the construction. Besides design guidelines and social media content, a press strategy, photos and a website were created. The drawn figures are not my work, a local person drew them.

Working with everyone was awesome, I think more creative should share their skills for a good cause! Just remember people participating in direct action like to remain anonyms, so you have to learn a lot of creative names. I think its wonderful.

Design guidelines

Activists are not graphic designers and have limited resources. So fonts had to be freely available and templates had to be created in easily available programs. The guidelines are therefore quite simple.


The background should be either flat white or black.

Typography for FullHD

  • Heading: Jost* SemiBold at 140-240px
  • Subheading: Jost* SemiBold at 60px
  • Body: Jost* Medium/Book at 55px


Highlight headings and optionally key words in paragraphs. Use different colours depending on the post topic:

Social Media Content